David Ancell / Friday July 19, 2002
Here we go with another article about lay people wanting to mobilize. In reading this, one could be forgiven for thinking that the entire body of laity in the Church is at the door of the bishops’ office demanding a voice in determining the Church’s teaching. Even such tactics as witholding donations are being discussed, as though are tithes are meant to be a reward for church leaders’ performance rather than an act of gratitude to God for his many gifts.
Look at this sentence from the article “. . . . fed-up parishioners are insisting that all issues regarding the priesthood — celibacy, homosexuality, marriage, female priests — be put on the table.” These people either misunderstand the Church, or they wish to remake her according to their own preferences. It’s as though they think that our bishops get together and think “I wonder what weird doctrine we can impose on the people.” The Pope and the bishops are not rulers but mere guarantors of the truth. They must submit themselves to that which God has revealed. If there is a God, and if he is greater than we are, then it is what he wants that counts, not what we want.
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