David Ancell / Wednesday August 14, 2002
If you aren’t a subscriber to the Words of Encouragement by Mark Shea and Jeff Cavins, I would encourage you to do so.
Take a look at today’s entry. You can easily go to any secular bookstore and buy books on the “new and improved Jesus” by these “scholars” who have the “historical Jesus” figured out. The aforementioned Word of Encouragement gives the perfect illustration of just how absurd their whole premise is. Did it ever occur to these guys that the people who lived at the time of Jesus probably knew more about what he said and did than they with their Ph.D. earned over 1900 years later?
While you’re at it, you might as well pick up a copy of Mark Shea’s book By What Authority (scroll down the page to find it, but do check out his other stuff, too). It gives an awesome overview of the real grounds for believing in the inspiration of Scripture.
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