David Ancell / Friday August 23, 2002
Lately, I’ve been reading How to Resist Temptation, by Fr. Francis J. Remler. It’s book like these that remind me of Important Stuff We Don’t Hear in Homilies Today. I’m about a third of the way through the book, and I’m learning about the difference between temptation and sin, stages or parts of temptation, and causes of temptation. The book is worth reading just for the basic catechesis on temptation and sin.
If only the content of Sophia Institute Press materials would be preached in homiles and taught in our religion classes on spirituality, then we the laity would be on our way to a true spiritual renewal. Indeed, I’ve leared much of the true depth of Catholic spirituality from their books. No cheap contemporary substitute or counterfeith Catholicism here, but they are still loyal to the Church as she stands today as well.
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