David Ancell / Monday August 26, 2002
In addition to reading the aforementioned How to Resist Temptation book, I’ve done a little web site reading.
For those who may not be aware of the controversy behind the English-language translation of our Liturgy, there’s a site called What Does the Prayer Really Say? It reveals how our Liturgy has been translated in a way that sacrifices beauty and elevates our minds and spirit in favor of a “friendly” translation. Let’s pray that we get a better translation of the new Roman Missal.
Gregory Popcak posted a great blog on how to pick our battles. This is something that I need help with.
I’m still not ready to send out my comments on the aforementioned Dreher article. However, once again I wish to turn your attention to Gregory Popcak. My comments will likely contain something along similar lines.
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