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Respect Life

  /   Sunday October 06, 2002  

October is Respect Life Month. Today, members of my parish were part of the Life Chain on a busy corner of Memphis. It is a time to pray for the protection of the unborn. It is a peaceful, prayerful demonstration. Every day, abortionist commit nothing less than a horrible deed of violence. We respond by peacful prayers of petition and repentance. It was pretty hot out there today, and I offered the discomfort in reparation for the evil done in our nation.

On a practical level, I can see horrors caused by the legalized killing if the current trend continues. Instead of coming up with innovations to help the unborn who may have disabilities, the doctor can simply pressure the parents into abortion. Instead of providing palliative care for the terminally ill, only a lethal injection may be offered. If these seem far-fetched to you, please note that it may take no more than a few major insurance companies making a decision not to support the care of those who are difficult and/or expensive to care for to make this a reality. The greed and consumerism in our society have reached in extreme. You can see this in the corporate scandals of the day.

However, as horrific as the above may be, the eternal consequences are even worse. Who knows how many people could be buring in hell because of contraception, abortion, euthanasia, or embryonic stem cell research? I do not know; I hope no one, but as much as is going on, it is difficult to fathom that no one is. We must pray for the conversion of all who believe in or are involved in abortion.

How many saints, expert scientists, artists, musicians has the world lost? Many of these could have been great missionaries who would have saved countless souls.

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