David Ancell / Friday October 11, 2002
Mark Shea takes on the Fr. Thomas Rausch critique of the new apologists. Of course, I haven’t read the full article, and I’m not about to subscribe to America magazine. My table top by my couch has a glass surface, so I don’t need any more coasters.
Bottom line: what is needed is the teaching of the real Catholic faith rather than the cheap substitute that his order bears some responsibility for presenting. There is truth, and it is up to us to proclaim it. Just in the small Frassati Society in my parish, I’ve been amazed at the people who are being turned on to true Catholic teachings.
There’s a good blog on the blog from John Schultz. In reading his post, I’m reminded of the irony of these ivory-tower intellectuals who talk about how the Magisterium is “totally oblivious to the way people live.” It seems as though they are the ones who are oblivious to the real needs of the people. If the teachings of the Church are far from how we live, then it just might be that our lives are filled with sin.
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