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Divine Providence in the Little Things

  /   Sunday October 20, 2002  

I guess it’s way past my bedtime . . . I’ve had quite an evening.

I had stopped in my church to pray night prayer before I went home from the Frassati Society meeting. When I got home I discovered that I left my breviary in the church.

I prepared my coffee pot to automatically brew the next morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t put any water in the coffee pot.

I have been busy burning CDs this weekend. I thought that I had packed one for my trip tomorrow. A few minutes ago, I noticed that not only had I not taken the CD out of the recorder, but I also hadn’t finalized it so that it would play on a regular CD player. Therefore, I had packed an empty CD case.

Why did I title this divine providence? Well, I figure that’s what it took to get me to notice these things before tomorrow morning came. It would have been worse when I tried to pray the breviary, drink the coffee, and listen to the CD. I have now retrieved my breviary, put the water in the coffee pot, and finished the CD and packed it.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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