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The Soundtrack Machine Refused to Laugh

  /   Wednesday November 20, 2002  

Tom Abbott posted on his Goodform blog his complaints about sitcoms. Perhaps it is living proof that in Jesus Christ is our only hope. Some of them might be good if it weren’t for the trash.

Maybe I’m going off on a tangent, but I can’t help to think of movies and shows that I watched that I might have enjoyed except for the fact that people got killed or that the “f” word was used with a fair degree of frequency. Take a movie like Office Space. I watched it a couple of weeks ago. Given that I work in a cubicle environment, the office antics are hilarious. The movie could have been great, but it was filled with gangster rap and morally repulsive sexual references.

Why can’t someone make a good movie without the trash these days? I find it very disturbing. I just can’t stand it, and my grandmother told me that the inability to tolerate such garbage runs in my family.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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