David Ancell / Saturday, November 16, 2002 / Comments(0)
Take a look at this confusing article in the New York Times by Laurie Goodstein. The title itself, “Catholic Leadership Is Looking to Past, Not to Change, as Response to Scandal,” is enough to mislead people.
Of course, the Church is looking at change. It just isn’t the change that those with an agenda want. Notice how, in describing the plan of the bishops, the words purify and holiness are in quotes. Methinks these are rather strange concepts to the secular media.
To the secularist, the Church is just some backwards institution that refuses to update itself with the times. To the faithful, we know that that is exactly what the Church is supposed to be. We follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the Whim of the Times. It is fidelity, not flexibility, that will show us to be faithful.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Friday, November 15, 2002 / Comments(0)
If you aren’t subscribed to Catholic Exchange’s Daily Word of Encouragement, I’d advise it. Here is a great example of what’s on the site. It’s about how we won’t feed ourselves physical poison, but we will feed ourselves spiritual poison (bad movies, books, etc.) and expect it not to affect us.
My take on vulgar movies, music, and TV shows is this:
I wouldn’t enjoy having someone say insulting words to me about my family, my church, or my friends. Why would I allow myself to be entertained by someone blaspheming or otherwise commiting grave offenses against my God? We practically pay those people to do this when we patronize their shows.
I was never told growing up that I could not buy music with explicit lyrics. However, to this day I have never done so. This was the first part of my spiritual life, to reject vulgar entertainment.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Wednesday, November 13, 2002 / Comments(0)
I really like the way Archbishop Chaput lays it out. He even mentions names. He socks it to those pro-“choice” advocates who don’t want to give that “choice” to anyone who is pro-life.
As I’ve said before, I’m afraid that someday I will be forced out of my profession because I won’t support abortion. I just pray that this will never happen. The health care system needs pro-life people who will not go along with decisions that certain people will cost too much money to keep alive. This is a real possibility in the future if pro-life people and organizations are kept out of health care.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Wednesday, November 13, 2002 / Comments(0)
I see that the Supreme Court will rule on whether federal funding can be stripped from public libraries that do not install porn filters on their Internet access. C’mon, let’s use some sense here. Here’s what I have to say:
1. It takes a sick person to go view porn at a public library.
2. Filters don’t always work well; either a human has to judge and constantly update the filters or they work on some algortihm that won’t work perfectly.
3. Just because something isn’t available at a public library doesn’t mean that someone’s free speech was violated.
4. Yes, parents should be watching what their children are viewing. However, given the sleazy tactics of porn site operators, it is quite possible to accidentally stumble upon a porn site. This would expose a child to the porn, possibly before the parents could react. For example, the .gov site may be a government site, but the same address with .com on the end may be a porn site.
With that being said, filters are not perfect, but something is needed. Libraries should be expected to help parents protect children from porn, whether they would view it themselves or on the computer of the sick person next to them.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Wednesday, November 13, 2002 / Comments(0)
Somehow, despite living in Tennessee, I hardly even knew the storm was this bad. Sure, we had a major thunderstorm in Memphis, but I was still recovering from the food poisoning and pretty much slept right through it. Does anyone know if any funds have been established to help the victims? Maybe I could just call the Red Cross.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Tuesday, November 12, 2002 / Comments(0)
Just a friendly reminder . . . .
Don’t forget to pray for our bishops as they meet this week.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Monday, November 11, 2002 / Comments(0)
Many of you may be aware of the discovery of the ossuary that bore the inscription “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” Here’s an article on Catholic Exchange by Deal Hudson about the controversy surrounding the discovery.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Saturday, November 09, 2002 / Comments(0)
Those of you who read my blog might have noticed a transition message on the cdavidancell.com site. What gives, you say? Glad you asked.
I found a new web host that will do some of the things my old host wouldn’t for about the same price, probably a little less. I transferred my pages as well as my blog over here. I am in the process of transferring my two domain names (davidancell.com and cdavdancell.com) to this site. This will allow me to have the same addresses as before.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Saturday, November 09, 2002 / Comments(0)
I’m just about over the food poisoning, but when I read stuff like this, I start to get sick again. A judge refuses to instruct the jury that lethal force can be used in defense of a woman’s unborn children because the unborn children are not able to survive outside the womb. His final take, according to the article was “That’s my theory.” Well, I wonder why the moral relativists weren’t screaming “Don’t impose your theory on other people.” Or were they?
The article goes on to talk about court cases where convictions resulted from people commiting acts of violence against an unborn child. This one really takes the cake:
A Baltimore court in effect took custody of a fetus by placing a pregnant drug abuser under court jurisdiction to prevent her from jeopardizing the health of her fetus – unless she exercised her right to kill it by abortion.
Of course, our Culture of Death has a lot of problems. They likely don’t give the south end of a north bound rat as to whether they are ethically consistent. The personhood of an unborn child is based on little other than whether or not the woman wishes to abort. The judge’s decision in the aforementioned Baltimore case may have been an economic one; it costs money to care for children injured by drug use by the mother. We who are pro-life will not win by pointing out inconsistencies but, by the grace of God, bringing about a respect for human life.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Friday, November 08, 2002 / Comments(0)
If you are reading this, then you have found the new site. Actually, the old address will be transferred here soon, but this one will still be available after that has happened. Remember, this new site is searchable. The old one is not.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized