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Mark Shea on Leaving Miscreat Bishops in Office

  /   Tuesday December 17, 2002  

I find myself in complete agreement with Mark Shea on why the Pope isn’t buying into the “throw the #$@%$# out!” routine when it comes to bishops. If all of these bishops were allowed to resign, it would amount to no less than allowing them to neglect their office and then bow out quickly just as everything comes crashing down. It would be like giving them a special life raft to get the heck out of the sinking ship.

I also agree that our leadership is really a reflection on us. Let’s face it . . . if we as Catholics extended support to bishops and priests who defended the faith, it would be much easier for them to do so. How many of us say nothing when a member of the clergy speaks boldly but are eager to excoriate him when he messes up? I’m afraid I’m guilty of that one. I know that being in Memphis with people my age who actually believe the Church’s teachings made a world of difference in my life. Surely it would strengthen the faith of a priest or bishop.

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