David Ancell / Thursday December 19, 2002
Take a look at Gregory Popcak’s post on why he continues to post the new revelations of the scandal in the Church.
Truthfully, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. As Catholics, we need to speak against evil. Hopefully, some of the posts will be a rally call for us to stand and speak against evil. The world needs to know that Catholics do not tolerate this stuff. They aren’t going to hear it from the secular press. Furthermore, if done in a spirit of prayer, it can be a means to encourage others to pray and do penance for the Church in America. Let’s hope that Popcak and others are praying before they hit that “Post” button.
On the other hand, one can run the risk of spending so much time blogging the sins of others that we forget to reflect on our own sins. One can become hardened with pride and anger. One can basically assist the media in attacking the Church. We have to be careful at what we buy from the secular media. If we spread something that turns out not to be true, then we have effectively cooperated with calumny. Let’s not forget that writing about the scandal can also be a means to increase readership, even if by bringing out anger.
Popcak mentions that he keeps posting new revelations so that we never forget what is going on. However, he runs the risk of desensitizing us. For example, we hear a lot of news stories about murders and natural disasters taking a lot of lives. Have you ever heard a story about a disaster in which one person was killed and been tempted to think “Oh, good, it was only one person this time,” as though that were insignificant? I know that I have become desensitized to hearing about the tragic loss of life.
I do think that some commenting on things that have happened is good. Heaven knows that I do so. However, it must be done with great care and prayer. For starters, let’s ask God to help us see the evil in what is happening and be willing to do whatever he asks us to do about it.
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