David Ancell / Sunday December 29, 2002
I have an adoration hour at a Perpetual Adoration chapel here in Memphis. While I was in the chapel, a lady came in, complete with head covering. She spent a few minutes in prayer. She left a few minutes after the young man who was to take my place came in.
Just before she left, she said to the two of us praying there “If you see a black man come in here, don’t give him any money. It won’t help his cause. The women are scared of him. He sleeps in the foyer. If you give him money, he’ll just keep coming here.”
Funny, I thought Jesus loved the poor. They gentleman next to me seemed to think the same. Aren’t we supposed to see Christ in them? If she could give me a reason why the man was a fraud, it would be different. However, I didn’t get that impression from the way she sounded.
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