David Ancell / Saturday February 22, 2003
I had a very strange dream last night. I remember it quite vividly. I was going to an 8:15 AM Mass in another parish. There was food available for after Mass, but I accidentally took a bit right before Mass was about to start. I had known the priest there to be long-winded, so I was hoping it would take an hour before Communion.
No luck, the priest preached a short homily. However, when we got to the consecration. The priest made up his own prayer about a meal and how some would eat too much. He had us stand around the altar. Then, he quickly grabbed the bread and wine and said “This is my body . . . . . this is my blood” instead of saying the actual prayers of consecration. A lady next to me knew I was very irritated and said to me “Let it go.” All I could say was that this priest may have just done an invalid consecration (I don’t know for sure.). I woke up before time to receive.
I was relieved to find out that I was having a dream. I hope that never happens anywhere, but especially not here in Memphis. Memphian Catholics tolerate bad music; we just don’t sing along. However, it is unlikely that a congregation here would tolerate a total mutilation of the consecration.
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