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Ashes to Ashes

  /   Wednesday March 05, 2003  

I need not tell my readers that today is Ash Wednesday. I guess I also need not say that I haven’t given up blogging for Lent. I do anticipate blogging less just due to the fact that I have some things that I’m planning to do for Lent.

Honestly, the best beginning for me is to wear my ashes to work. To be honest, when one does this in the south it becomes a source of entertainment to watch the reactions of those around you. Few people in the south have been exposed to real Catholicism. They know nothing of the customs. I have people tell me that I have something on my forehead. Yet being willing to be seen in this matter is a way of showing that I’m not ashamed of my faith. I’m not ashamed of the ashes. Let us proceed on to our life today with no shame except for that for our sins.

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