David Ancell / Wednesday March 26, 2003
I don’t know if non-subscribers to Catholic World News can see this, but this is an interesting analysis of the Pope’s statements on the war. According to this analysis, the Pope has not outright condemned the war on Iraq, and all of his statements have been leveled at both sides.
Well, I think it is arguable that this analysis downplayed the Holy Father’s opposition to the war. It probably did. It does show that the Pope is not taking sides in the conflict as many may think. Even the European pacifists wish the Pope would condemn the war more strongly, but then again pacifists have always seemed to me to be people who don’t bother to use their God-given common sense. They may not be a reliable indicator.
In any event, I maintain that the Pope may or may not be right about this war, and we do have an obligation to pray for peace. If the people of Iraq are being oppressed, then there is no peace. If Hussein threatens us with nuclear warfare, then there is no peace. I have a hard time believing that Hussein is amenable to peaceful resolutions any more than Hitler was. To seek a peaceful solution, you must work with someone who genuinely cares about the welfare of others. Hussein has demonstrated time and time again that he does not.
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