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Wish List for Bishops

  /   Monday March 31, 2003  

I agree wholeheartedly with Kairos’ wish list for bishops. Away with that Reflections on Covenant and Mission garbage, and give me the real faith. I stated this in the comments of this blog:

A great concern of mine today is that I rarely hear that which I don’t want to hear.

Of course, I’m talking about the real teaching of the Church. I hear plenty that is just not worth saying on a pulpit (e.g. the difference between unity and identity). However, I want to hear about the real faith and be trained to evangelize for real (If anyone from the Diocese of Memphis is reading, let me just say that the Disciples in Mission program does not cut it as an evangelization program, and the Immersed in Christ program is more of a personal spirituality program.).

If we had this, we could transform the world.

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