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Confirmation Time

  /   Thursday May 15, 2003  

As I mentioned before, I had the honor of serving as my cousin’s Confirmation sponsor. It took place at our cathedral, and it turns out that it was a diocesean liturgy even though this parish was here by itself because of the large number of candidates. This led to some music selections that were, well, interesting.

For example, you might be aware of the following phrase:

Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

Well, the diocese decided to use the ICEL translation as a responsorial psalm, which goes like this:

Lord, send out your Spirit, and make the face of the earth come alive.

We even got to rehearse it in the Marian Center underneath the Cathedral before the service started. The funny part is that the Bishop used it as part of his homily, and he used the traditional form.

The ceremony flowed very smoothly because they had the ushers direct everything very well. It is always nice to see our newly-renovated, beautiful cathedral. They gave us instructions that tell us everthing from the practical to things like “Make sure that neither you nor your candidate are chewing gum during the service.” These things ought to be common sense, but we were told that people have been known to approach the Bishop while chewing gum. My cousin said he was trying to find where it said you couldn’t bring firearms into the Cathedral. Ironically, we had a sherriff’s deputy in uniform there, and he probably did have his gun (I didn’t see).

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