David Ancell / Tuesday July 15, 2003
I have just read some news sources that say that Archbishop Justin Rigali of St. Louis, MO, is going to Philadelphia. I wonder if the Holy Father is doing a little restructuring of the American Catholic Church. To be honest, I would expect to see impressive results given the recent appointments made of such bishops like Timothy Dolan and Sean O’Malley. Despite all the dust that may fly from these movements, I think that we are seeing the groudwork being laid for the renewal of true faith. Do note that I am commenting on the movement of bishops and not saying that Cardinal Bevilacqua was a bad shepherd (though his name sure is hard to spell).
Some of our priests went to seminary at Kenrick-Glennon in St. Louis, and we have three newly-ordained priests from that seminary who are just outstanding. No doubt this is at least in part the work of Archbishop Rigali.
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