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Diet Catholicism

  /   Sunday, August 31, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Complete with a picture, Jeff Miller portrays Diet Catholicism.

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Christianity is Not Altruism

  /   Sunday, August 31, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I have heard someone once say that she was concerned that her good deeds were often done out of a desire to go the Heaven and not for pure love of God. Well, check out this Word of Encouragement.

I have thought that love of God and desire for Heaven are the same thing when properly understood. After all, what is Heaven but dwelling in God’s presence forever? If you desire Heaven, you love God. You also love your neighbor because you also desire to spend all eternity with him.

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  /   Saturday, August 30, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I hope that this turns out to be a misrepresentation. Suposedly, the Cleveland diocese “implementation” of the new GIRM will include raising hands in the air during the Our Father (a practice that I believe was rejected in Rome) and hugging your neighbor at the Sign of Peace. It’s just what we need to turn the Mass into a pass-the-marijuana affair.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Reform of the Church

  /   Saturday, August 30, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Avery Cardinal Dulles wrote an excellent piece in First Things on True and False Reform. The article follows the premise that the human element of the Church is in constant need of reform, but the divine element is irreformable. He also gives a great explanation of what it means to reform the way the doctrines are formulated.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized


  /   Saturday, August 30, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Fr. Bryce Sibley has posted this letter by Fr. George Rutler in Crisis Magazine about how calling eating meat immoral is absurd. Now, I don’t believe that there is anything wrong with someone choosing not to eat meat as a matter of taste, but calling it immoral is over the edge.

I gather from the posting that this has been the talk of St. Blog’s, but I wouldn’t know because I have been largely out of the loop lately.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Blackout in Memphis

  /   Saturday, August 30, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I sure appreciated this commentary in the New York Times. The blackout in the northeast made national news. Many news outlets didn’t even notice the outage in Memphis that left some people out of power for up to two weeks in the Memphis summer heat.

Indeed, my parents called some days after the initial storm to tell me that they saw on the news a story that said that they were so preoccupied with Iraq that they forgot to report on the story in Memphis. In any event, at least we got people from the area in to repair our power lines. The tree trimmers are still out there working on the fallen tree limbs and the trees, but the city is operating pretty much normally now.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

This is Just Sick

  /   Thursday, August 28, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Gov. Gray Davis has on his desk a bill to consider that would ban from becoming a foster parent anyone who opposes homosexuality. This is just plain scary. What if they later decide to impose the same requirement for adoption?

If Gov. Davis signs this, it will be one more reason why I hope that California recalls him. Honestly, I think it’s for the good of his soul that he not be allowed to govern. I just pray that he converts before he dies.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

St. Francis de Sales

  /   Thursday, August 28, 2003   /   Comments(0)

While I was in Steubenville last month, I picked up a copy of a Ralph Martin CD set on Holiness in Everyday Life that was based on the Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales. I’ve listened to three of the five CD’s, and I must say that it is an excellent series. Martin basically goes straight through the book, so you can use this as a study guide as you read it.

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  /   Thursday, August 28, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I noticed on my statistics that I now have 200 comments on this blog. Of course, I probably actually hit this mark some time ago because I have deleted posts and lost the original comments from my Enetation comment system that I abandoned quickly.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Wrongful Life is Nonsense

  /   Wednesday, August 27, 2003   /   Comments(0)

We must congratulate the judges in Kentucky who decided that birth of a disabled child is not a reason to claim damage. I hope that any higher court this may get to will make the same decision. The real encouraging part is that the judge looked at the implication of giving an award in this case. It would essentially be a starting point for society to kill the disabled.

Sadly, this effect of killing the disabled may become a result of the Baby Boomer’s having contracepted themselves into smaller families. With fewer younger people to support the elderly, it is possible that some younger people will push for euthanasia when the older people become a “burden” or “too costly” to take care of. Even in my pharmacy school classes, they introduced us to the principles of “quality of life” and “cost utility” and presented the problem of disease in terms of cost.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

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