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A Life Example

  /   Tuesday August 05, 2003  

Would that this experience lead Brittney Spears, and many others, to conversion! I am just now posting it because the permalink now works. Brittney Spears felt that her love was “the one” and was comitted to her forever despite the fact that there were no marriage vows said. Therefore, she felt that it was okay to consumate that relationship. She found out that she was wrong.

Don’t let anyone fool you about any commitment short of marriage. Until the wedding, it is not reality. This is one reason why it is dangerous to engage in the marriage act on the presumption that you have found “the one.” My hope now is that Brittney Spears will come to know the God she has offended and receive his forgiveness. Not only would it be a blessing in her life, but it would be a great blessing to all of her fans.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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