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Ecumenical Challenges

  /   Wednesday August 20, 2003  

Sometimes it pays to be diplomatic. Other times it is outright cowardly to do so. Rarely do I like what Diogenes on Catholic World News writes because he strikes me as cynical and uncharitable. However, this is right on. He is referring to this reflection by the chair of a USCCB committee on the choice of an openly gay bishop. The offending line is as follows:

In the light of the recent decisions made at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the United States concerning the appointment of a bishop who professes himself to be in an active homosexual relationship, and the recognition that some local Episcopal communities bless same-sex unions, new ecumenical challenges have been created.

The problem with this is that this statement is diplomatic bullhockey. Ecumenism is really the least of our concerns in this matter. The problem is that the Episcopal Church has just formally condoned serious sin. They are endangering the souls of their flock. Wake up guys and call this what it is!!

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