David Ancell / Thursday October 09, 2003
As many readers may know, October is Respect Life Month. We participate in Life Chain in Memphis down one of our busiest streets. I was there right down the street from my church holding a sign. In our area, we were supported by a number of the motorists. There was one who yelled “PRO-CHOICE!!” at us and another who gave us all the finger, but most of the people were well-behaved when they saw us.
On Monday night, several people from the Frassati Society, including myself, participated in the Phone-A-Thon for Birthright. We raised quite a bit of money. I called one guy whose answering machine said “I hate answering machines, and I held out as long as I could before I gave into the pressure and bought one. Anyway, that’s what you’re talking to.”
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