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Catholicism for a New Millenium

  /   Saturday November 01, 2003  

Gonzaga University, a Jesuit “Catholic” university in Spokane, Washington, is having a “Catholicism for a New Millenium” speaker series. It do appear that the series will be the same tired old garbage that has been floating around ever since the 1960s. Take a look at this dude.

He starts with statistics, as though statistics determine the will of God. He accuses the Church of Bible abuse, probably because she uses the Bible to teach those teachings contrary to his own. He bemoans that sad abuse of homosexuals because the Church teaches that their activity is immoral and the abuse of women because they can’t be ordained.

This statement of his is very telling:

“As a result of the power we end up having a huge chasm between the power of the Church and the power of the laity,” he said. “It is sinful. It is ungodly. And it must be challenged.”

Ahem, you see, being a Catholic and Christian is not about serving the Lord and living a holy life. It’s about power. We need to get more power in the Church. Nevermind that stuff about going out in the world and sanctifying those things in the temporal order. Let’s waste time in a power struggle with clergy to assure that we don’t fulfill anything that God has called us to.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t appear that the university’s students have been fooled in large numbers. The priest spoke to 160 people made up of Spokane residents, faculty, and students. Gonzaga has about 5,400 students. Besides, a couple of students wrote this and this. It gives me hope to know that there are young people who can think beyond the “justice” standards of an elementary school playground.

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