David Ancell / Sunday November 02, 2003
The Lord gave me a reflection on one practical problem with materialism that I wanted to share. Most of us know that it is wrong to use another person for our own pleasure. Perhaps this problem arises from materialism.
Materialism teaches us to desire objects. Take a look at our modern advertising. It tells us that acquiring this product will really make our life so much better. The message doesn’t leave us. We begin to desire objects instead of people. In fact, the saddest part of this is that it turns our attention away from the divine person who can really fulfill all our needs.
After being brainwashed into desiring objects, we begin to see and use other people as objects. Rather than treating them with their God-given dignity, we want to control them. Lust is a classic example as it desires sex as an object rather than desiring a whole person. Therefore, let us today love people and use things rather than the other way around.
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