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Fun with Dial-Up

  /   Sunday, November 16, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Of all things, I’ve decided to dial up on my laptop to see how well it works. I switched my cable provider over to Earthlink, and they have a Sikeston dial-up number. I tried dialing in several times. I could then access e-mail and even FTP, but the web browser didn’t work.

Finally, I found out that the web settings were configured to go through a proxy server. I turned that off, and it fixed the problem. This is the second configuration error that I’ve found in which I suspect Earthlink’s own software as the cause. The first was an incorrect SMTP setting that made it impossible to send e-mail. If I weren’t computer savvy, some poor dude in technical support would be hearing it now.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Have Fun

  /   Sunday, November 16, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I just found a link to this Church sign generator on Catholic Light.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

The Problem With Practical Consequences

  /   Sunday, November 16, 2003   /   Comments(0)

It’s 6:45 PM here in Sikeston, MO at my parent’s house. Somehow, I was reminded of a time when my confirmation class watched a video on chastity. The presenter was really good and made her case well. However, she stuck to the practical reasons for chastity.

Now, it is good to understand that breaking God’s law has practical consequences. However, I now know that some of what she said was scientifically inaccurate. She pulled out a package insert of a birth control pill. She mentioned how awful some of the side effects are, and she said that she wouldn’t let the fact that it only happens to 0.05% of the people who take them give us any security. The point she misses is that it is quite likely that anything that only happens to 0.05% of the population was not caused by the drug.

When one uses only practical reasons in building a case, anyone with any contrary scientific data (real or fabricated) will have a rebuttal. In many cases, I’ve seen truths that I hold dear defended with science that is sloppy at best. As soon as someone has a rebuttal, their case crumbles.

Ultimately, sins against chastity are sins because they offend God who loves us more than we are capable of loving anyone or anything. There are often practical reasons, but we must remember that the teachings of Christ are absolute truth. They are not man-made discoveries that can be refuted by science.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Letter to NY Times

  /   Saturday, November 15, 2003   /   Comments(0)

After reading the aformentioned article in the NY Times on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Contraception, I decided to write them a letter. Let’s see if they publish it. It’s quite possible that they won’t because I posted it on Spiritual Pyromania. After I sent the letter, they sent their guidelines in an automated e-mail (talk about ex post facto).

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Out of Step

  /   Saturday, November 15, 2003   /   Comments(0)

It seems that the bishops are going to produce some materials reinforcing the teachings on human sexuality, including contraception. From what I gather, they will be a weak assertion (leaving out the fact that these sins are grave matter and can lead to eternal damnation if not repented of). However, I guess it’s a start. Then again, I’m not sure whether to praise the initiative or to be afraid that the bishops are more interested in being able to say they are teaching this than to actually teach it. My confidence in them is not what I wish it would be, and one reason is that they are afraid to bring forth the full warning of the seriousness of these sins.

While I’m on the subject, I have to comment on this line from the article linked to herein:

To some, there is risk in reopening the issue of contraception among American Catholics, who generally ignore the church’s teaching on it, and linking it to church teaching on abortion, which they are more likely to agree with. Doing so could strengthen the sense among many Catholics that the church is out of step with their daily lives.

I have two comments:

First, the words “reopening the issue” make this sound like this is a political debate. There is no legitimate debate. The Church’s teaching is clear and will remain so even if the bishops unanimously approved a statement stating that contraception is morally acceptable.

Second, and more importantly, there is this notion that many Catholics feel that the “church is out of step with their daily lives.” My answer is that they are right. The Church is way out of step with many aspects of our daily lives. That is not even the issue. The real question is: who should change? The real answer is: it is we who should change our lives! The Church is not a political party, nor is it meant to be an organization designed to affirm all of our personal choices. The Church was founded by Christ and can only teach what is received from Our Lord. Therefore, the Church teachings are the standard by which we should weigh how we are living. Therefore, if the Church is out of step, it is we who should get back in step with the Church. Not to do so will certainly mean the loss of our souls.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

RSS Feed

  /   Thursday, November 13, 2003   /   Comments(0)

There has long been a link on the links column of this page to syndicate this site. I never knew what it really was. Now I know that this page has been available as an RSS feed without my even knowing what that was. I discovered this when a program named FeedDemon by Bradbury Software was able to pull up my blog. The address for the feed is:


Just put it into the program, and it works. I also use Topstyle, by the same author, on my site, and I use HomeSite, which he originally developed. Nick Bradbury is a top-notch developer, and his programs always look very attractive and work very well.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Being in Love

  /   Wednesday, November 12, 2003   /   Comments(0)

So many make much made of love today, but so few can tell you what it is. Read this article for more information.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Letter to Gov. Bredesen

  /   Saturday, November 08, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Since I am a resident of Tennessee, I felt that this was a case in which I should write the governor to express my concern about the recent ACLU and Planned Parenthood action against the “Choose Life” license plates. The text of the letter can be found on Spiritual Pyromania.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

ACLU At It Again

  /   Saturday, November 08, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Recently, Tennessee passed a law allowing for the creation of “Choose Life” license plates. Guess who is challenging it. It is none other than the American “Civil Liberties” Union. Needless to say, they are once again fighting to destroy what they say they are protecting because it is “viewpoint discrimination.”

C’mon, where in the U.S. or Tennessee Constitution does it give the right to protection against “viewpoint discrimination?” Even if such did exist, how is it “viewpoint discrimination” to allow people to have the use of a license plate to express such viewpoints. Given the fact that it is required that 1,000 plates be pre-sold before the state will even produce them, it is doubtful that state money will really be used to produce them.

I would be willing to bet that that the ACLU would not file such a lawsuit allowing for the creation of license plates that agreed with their own viewpoint. It’s the typical tactic of these organizations to really advocate only the freedom to express their “viewpoint.” Maybe they want to create a pro-abortion license plate and donate the money to Planned Parenthood (who happens to also be involved in this suit).

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Sure, Gays Can Marry

  /   Saturday, November 08, 2003   /   Comments(0)

From lifesitenews.com: Justice Linda Feinberg says that there is nothing to prevent gays from marrying, as long as they marry someone of the opposite sex. Stating a concept that is now unheard of in most places, Feinberg stated that the issue of allowing people to marry one of the same gender belongs to the legislature, not the judiciary. Read this:

Plaintiffs seek not to lift a barrier to marriage, but to change its very essence. This objective is Legislative in nature and finds no support in the equal protection provisions of the State Constitution.

I wonder how Feinberg rules on other issues. It’s obvious that she has some sense here.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

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