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Santa Claus Came

  /   Sunday December 21, 2003  

It is supposed to be the first day of winter today. However, my thermometer reads 50 degrees at 7:15 PM. It was a beautiful day for winter. It was perfect for delivery of a Christmas surprise.

One of the people in our parish office contacted the Frassati Society group leader and told her about a family in need of some things for Christmas. She got us together, and we bought clothes and some toys. Today, in this nice weather, we delivered what we bought.

The kids were with their grandmother. We went to the mother’s apartment. Under the Christmas tree was . . . . nothing. They had nothing for Christmas. Praised be to the living God that he used us to change that. I only wish that I could be a fly on the wall when those kids came back home and saw the Christmas tree.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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