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Merry Christmas

  /   Thursday December 25, 2003  

To all my readers, Merry Christmas! Please do not say “Happy Holidays” or “Have a Good Holiday.” There is a reason we are having this holiday.

Did you all get any good presents? I got some clothes (which I appreciate because I hate shopping for clothes), and I also got a copy of Visual C#.NET Standard Edition 2003. I haven’t been doing lots of programming in a while, so maybe I can come up with something. I never have gotten too advanced, though.

I made it to Mass this morning, and I found out that the pastor here in my home town parish (I’m at my parents’ house.) has been appointed Vicar General. He said that he gets to go to more meetings now. Just for fun, I had to tell him that our immediate-past Vicar General in Memphis became a bishop.

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