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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

  /   Thursday May 20, 2004  

It seems that pro-life issues are taking up a lot of my blog time lately. Then again, they are a very worthy cause. Bishop Sheridan of Colorado Springs is not backing down from his stance that pro-aborts cannot receive Communion. Although someone has threatened to cancel a $100,000 pledge, his spokesperson has stated that the Church is not about money. I second this. I’d rather see the Church lose all of their facilities and have to meet in people’s homes than have the Church fail to proclaim the truth.

Unfortunately, one of his own priests has spoken publicly against him. The priest was so eager to comment that he did so before he had bothered to read the entire letter. This priest should be removed as a pastor and immediately sent to a monastery to do penance and learn the faith.

Now that I’ve written about the good and the bad, the ugly is no less than John Kerry’s statements on assisted suicide. The fact that he calls it anything less than gravely evil further shows that he is not really Catholic. I pray that he repents before he dies. Otherwise., he will be very surprised to learn that God isn’t impressed with his “separation of Church and State” mentality.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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