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The Housecleaning Bishop

  /   Friday July 16, 2004  

This has already been posted in other places before, but we have to give credit to Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo who is busy cleaning his new house that he has charge of. He has removed an advocate of women’s ordination from a diocesean commission. He established a diocesean theologian to screen speakers for orthodoxy before letting them speak on Catholic property.

However, he has a tough road ahead of him. His predecessor had 29 years to do his damage, and it isn’t going to be undone in a single year. There will be people who oppose him, but we need to pray for them to be humble enough to learn what the Church teaches and why. Some will be brought to the truth; others will either fight or formalize their conversion to Protestantism.

In fact, it doesn’t help that the article that I linked to keeps referring to the Church teachings as “Vatican policies.” If this is all that they were, then there would at least be room for disagreement (but not disobedience). Rather, these are parts of the unchangeable deposit of faith. These are the teachings handed down by Christ. Pray for the people of the Diocese of Richmond to be brought to that understanding.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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