David Ancell / Saturday July 17, 2004
Mark Shea writes on our obligation to forgive an unrepentant person. I doubt that he or anyone else on the blog post that he cites has the final word, though. Jimmy Akin wrote an article asserting the opposite in This Rock some time ago. His statement was that we don’t have to forgive the unrepentant because God doesn’t. One thing to note about the Akin article is that one of the things that it argued against were those ministers who told their congregations after 9-11 that they had to just forgive and forget about it.
I tend to lean towards forgiving the unrepentant myself. If they are truly unrepentant, then your forgiveness won’t mean squat to them. It’s what it will do for you that is most important. One cannot hold biterness forever without it having quite an effect on oneself.
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