David Ancell's Virtual Home

Vacation Time

  /   Thursday July 22, 2004  

At long last, my vacation has begun. I’m at home today doing some things to get ready, including developing my site administration tool. I’ve been reading up on some ASP.NET. I’m trying to get my site administration tools up to par before leaving so that I can blog from another computer if needed.

Anyway, enough computer stuff, I’m going tomorrow to Franciscan University of Steubenville’s Defending the Faith Conference. I’m really excited about getting to hear Cardinal Arinze speak. He will be the celebrant and homilist at Saturday’s Mass. It looks like the weather will be just like it was last year. It was so nice last year that I didn’t want to come back to hot, humid Memphis.

When I return, I have most of next week off. I made sure I was off through my birthday on Wednesday. I’ll be 29, so it means that I’m almost-gasp-thirty years old.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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