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Steubenville – Day Two

  /   Saturday July 24, 2004  

This morning, we were at Mass with Cardinal Arinze celebrating. He was just awesome. I had to listen closely to understand him through his accent, but it was well worth it. He taught us a new term (new to me, anyway) – “ecclesiastical refrigerator.” He told us that the secularists want to keep religion in the Vatican museum or the ecclesiastical refrigerator. As you might expect, most of his talk was on the liturgy. He described people who violate the norms in the name of making the Mass more relevant as not only not knowing what the Mass is about, but also not knowing that they don’t know.

Patrick Madrid took a swipe at my favorite topic/pet peeve – moral relativism. He also did an afternoon workshop that I attended on the lies society tells us. I also heard Ralph Martin again on obstacles to growing in holiness. Of course, both Scott and Kimerly Hahn were there as well.

I spent a total of about two hours waiting in line for confession. Only in Steubenville would this happen. I guess we all know that there should be longer lines in the average confessional.

The evening concluded with the Holy Hour. I was a bit disappointed with part of it. Instead of beginning with O Salutaris Hostia, it began with Michael W. Smith’s Agnus Dei. Now, I like the song, but I wish that we could have sung O Salutaris Hostia first. Likewise, the Holy Hour ended with Salvation Belongs to Our God instead of Holy God We Praise Thy Name, which would have been better. It was, however, great to see Fr. Michael Scanlan whom I had heard so much about.

Jim Cowan has apparently written some new songs that he is trying out this year. These songs appear to be among the better ones he has written. I only wish the recording was out.

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