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Voter Guide Under Attack

  /   Thursday September 23, 2004  

The notorious “Catholics” for a “Free Choice ” (Don’t ask them about membership statistics.) has decided to complain to the IRS about the Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics from Catholic Answers. Catholic Answers published it in USA today in several cities, and apparently Frances Kissling is hopping mad. She is even trying to stop them from publishing the guide. Catholic Answers has replied that they won’t be intimidated and darn well they shouldn’t be.

However, I’d be lying to you if I said I wasn’t concerned about them. They say they’ve checked the guide out with independent legal counsel (35 K PDF file), but I wouldn’t count on a government body to actually make a decision based on the law. Although this will likely go to the IRS before it will end up in any court, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some activist-like ruling there. This is compounded by the fact that John Kerry scores a big fat zero on the voting criteria, even though Catholic Answers doesn’t mention any candidate or race in the guide.

Don’t get me wrong. I sincerely hope that Catholic Answers wins the fight. If Frances Kissling can silence Catholic Answers, then the Church ought to be allowed to legally ban her and her “organization” from calling itself Catholic.

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