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Nothing Went Wrong

  /   Sunday November 07, 2004  

After the massive media campaign to get George W. Bush out of office, he still won. I wondered if he would, but I hoped and prayed it would be so. There has never been a candidate whom I didn’t want in office more than John Kerry for the simple reason that he pretends to be Catholic.

The media continually bombarded us with propaganda, but the majority of Americans who voted didn’t listen. Now, they are all upset because things didn’t turn out their way. I just loved the pictures on MSNBC that displayed W with a scowl on his face right next to a headline saying that he was victorious. For some undefined period of time, watch for more and more columnists spin their wheels talking about “What went wrong?” At least part of the answer is that they and their camp aren’t as important as they think they are. Another part could be answered by saying “nothing went wrong.”

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