David Ancell / Sunday January 30, 2005
This morning at Mass, a family with about six children (not sure I saw them all) sat next to me. I don’t think I can recall sitting next to better behaved children. I noticed something as soon as we started to sing the Gloria. The children were singing it loudly and clearly. I heard their responses at Mass. They were very reverent. I was impressed.
Too many times, I see children who should be old enough to know better climbing on the pews, chewing gum, picking at each other, and talking. It makes it hard to pray when they are near me. Granted, the real problem is usually their parents who have little respect for the Church. However, it is a real problem in my parish.
Hearing these children this morning made me more mindful. I found myself more eager to participate when I heard them. A world of good could be done by having this kind of children all over the church.
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