David Ancell / Tuesday April 05, 2005
The New York Times just posted some evidence of their stance with this nice line that says “need some quote from supporter.” The line doesn’t even suggest finding someone well known or articulate, just “some quote from supporter.” Then again, we knew this anyway.
Let’s not also forget the line, quoted by Terry Mattingly, that pretty much changes the NYT editorial on the Pope into an idiotorial. Somehow the death of the Holy Father, per the New York Times analysis, shows that the euthanasia movement is right. Granted, the accounts of the Holy Father’s final moments on this earth do show a good and happy death. However, what does this make of the last few years of his life leading up to this moment? The Holy Father suffered but yet refused to give in. He never retired, saying that Christ never came down from the cross. He refused to take the easy way out. He gave all he had to his last breath. Contrast this with the euthanasia proponents who insist that “death with dignity” means just simply ending life when it gets too bad.
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