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Stay Away from eBay

  /   Monday April 18, 2005  

This has to be the biggest outrage I have seen in my life. In case that link is no longer available, here is an article (note that I disagree with the author saying that this isn’t eBay’s fault). Apparently, someone tried to auction what they claimed was a consecrated host on eBay.

The seller started off by saying that he isn’t Catholic and doesn’t believe that he’s going to Hell for attempting to see this “collectible.” I hope he finds out he’s wrong before he dies. However, I’m just as sickened by eBay’s response to complaints. This is the Body and Blood of Our Lord regardless of what “diverse views” may exist on it. eBay and the seller had better repent of this sacriliege, FAST!! I, for one, no longer wish to give them my business.

By the way, Dom Bettinelli was nice enough to provide contact info on his blog.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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