David Ancell's Virtual Home

Just Hanging On

  /   Sunday August 14, 2005  

Hello to my readers again. I am still here. I wish I had more to blog about. It seems I’m always busy or tired. Well, I won’t give up. I just finished an article that is about something that is heavy on my heart. If you know me personally, you may be able to guess what it is. I should have it posted soon. I can’t do it from here because I’m stuck at the office. Someone here decided that construction needed to be done on Sunday morning, and since I’m on call, I get to be here. They should be gone soon, and I can lock up and leave.

Meanwhile, I’m having a terrible time thinking of a good design for my main page. I have all this sophisticated software, but I just can’t figure out how I wish to use it. As soon as I do, I hope to have something that is much better looking than this.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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