David Ancell / Friday January 27, 2006
I have recently been made aware (see sites referenced below) that Target has now fired a pharmacist for refusing to dispense the morning-after pill. I wish to be charitable and assume that this is just a local decision that will be revered by corporate. I want to take that attitude before I take any action. I’d love to find out that the story was entirely untrue. Here is an e-mail that I sent through their website.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Some recent news articles (referenced below) have brought to my attention that a pharmacist in one of your stores in St. Louis, Missouri has been fired for refusing to dispense “emergency contraception.” Given that no one from your company was quoted in the article, I cannot verify if this was some local or corporate decision. I am writing this in hopes that this is a local decision that will be reversed by your corporate office.
Being a pharmacist myself, I am disappointed to see that this action was taken. I like your stores and the quality of the merchandise available. However, if this decision will not be reversed, I will not be able to shop in your stores in good conscience. Insofar as I can, I base my purchase decisions on whether a business shows respect for human life from the moment of conception or at least shows respect for the conscience of their employees.
Your website states that you are committed to a diverse work force. I hope that this would include those who do not wish to participate in the destruction of a newly conceived life. As a Catholic and as a pharmacist, I am concerned that the day may come when those who take the teachings of Christ seriously will be barred from practicing health care professions. This will not likely happen all at once but little by little through actions such as this firing.
Finally, I do hope that you will remember that one day we must all stand in judgment before God. This will not be dependent on whether or not one believes it but rather on the fact that there is a God who will demand an account of our lives. Please remember this in any decision you make.
David Ancell
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