David Ancell / Tuesday January 31, 2006
I haven’t read the Pope’s new encyclical, but I hope to soon. I just heard word of this article saying that he “Shuns Strictures of Orthodoxy”, brought to you by the same newspaper who said that John Paul II’s smile “belied his doctrinaire stance.” It’s like those who have been set free by the truth, as Jesus said we would be, are walking around with the look of severe constipation on our faces all the time.
I can’t help but wonder if Pope Benedict’s approach may slowly ease a few of them into finding out what the Church really stands for. Maybe some will even begin to understand the Church’s supposedly “repressive” teachings. It’s like I told a the RCIA to whom I told my conversion story. If you don’t see a particular teaching of the Church as a positive good, then please keep searching.
Then again, maybe I am dreaming here. Take a look at the quote from “We are Church [despite the fact that the things we believe put us out of communion with the Church]”:
Loving your neighbors also means loving critical theologians, he said. “He also has to apply these ideas within the church itself.”
Does loving someone mean letting them persist in their error and spread it to others? No, it does not. If God’s love existed apart from his truth, then it couldn’t be true love. Love wills the good of the beloved; therefore, it wills that the beloved know the truth.
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