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Let Us Pray

  /   Sunday February 05, 2006  

I’ve been a bit lazy with my prayer life lately. Trying to find something to use as a kneeler in my apartment just wasn’t working, and I could only hold my lazy self up for so long. So, I saw an ad in the West Tennessee Catholic for a solid oak prayer kneeler by someone whom I knew was local. He happened to have one left that was already made, and I managed to get there to buy it. It is a very solid, attractive kneeler. It’s a better design that some things that I’ve seen that are more expensive. If you are in the area and get the West Tennessee Catholic, the ad for the Nazareth Shoppe is in this week’s edition.

While I was at it, I was reminded that the Catholic Church in Memphis was really a small world. It turns out that this man and his family had seen me in church before a number of times, but we had never introduced ourselves to each other. It goes to show that if you hang around the church and adoration chapels in this city, people will know your face.

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