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Ash Wednesday Fun

  /   Saturday March 04, 2006  

Although the ashes given out on Ash Wednesday are supposed to be a sign of repentance, sometimes, I can’t help but having fun with them. When I used to work later shifts and went to work with the ashes on, there would be several people who would nicely inform me that there was something on my forehead. I loved it.

I didn’t get that chance this year because I went to 7 PM Mass. I did get to go to what I will call the “Fish and Chips Party.” Several of us left Mass to go to a local restaurant and bar. Everyone orders fish and chips. I showed up a little later than the rest, and the hostess pointed to my group and said “They are over there.” I asked her how she knew I was with them, and she said “I know them, and you are marked just like they are.”

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