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Megan Pettengill on the Cardinal Arinze Podcast

  /   Tuesday May 09, 2006  

I’ve been a subscriber to the Cardinal Arinze Podcast for some time, but I hadn’t listened to it until I listened to one show on Vatican II yesterday. It was great. There was a sort of intermission featuring a song named Mirror Image by Megan Pettengill. I had not heard her music before, so I did a search to find out where I could hear more. Well, I’m still listening repeatedly to Mirror Image, but it is great! She has a great singing voice.

The link to the Cardinal Arinze podcast is on my website, and I will likely be adding Megan Pettengill’s blog soon. Meanwhile, you can check out the music on the artist page in this post. I hope I’ll get a chance to hear more from Cardinal Arinze. He has been a hero of mine ever since the Georgetown University speech.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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