David Ancell / Tuesday May 16, 2006
I ran across this article on LifeNews.com. It suggests that the husband of one of the Roe attorneys suggested that we need RU-486 to slow the growth of the poor population. Well, I have no idea just how accurate this is, but I suspect there is at least some truth to it.
I have believed for some time that the pro-aborts are targeting the poor. Instead of trying to help them, they want to prevent them from having children. Look at some of the things you can regularly see them doing. It wouldn’t take much effort to find pro-aborts calling a crisis pregnancy center a “fake clinic.” You can find them lobbying for government funding for abortions. You can also read some information about Margaret Sanger to find that she was quite interested in eugenics.
Contrast this with Christ’s love of the poor. There’s mention of feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty. There’s no mention of contraception and abortion to eliminate the “problem.” Now, I am an advocate of “teaching a man to fish” rather than just “giving a man a fish,” but the principle remains. We need people to work, provide for themselves and their families, and do well, but this is for their good, not the good of the state. Our goal is to bring Christ to others, not to eliminate them.
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