David Ancell / Saturday July 15, 2006
In case there were any doubts, I am still alive. I had a great retreat at Casa Maria. The people I met, be they retreatants, sisters, or the priest who gave the retreat, were awesome. If any of you are running across this post, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from any of you. The priest was awesome, and I bought the tape set of the talks.
Now, here’s the crazy thing I did. I always wanted to know how a Mac worked, especially since I distribute audio of RCIA talks, sometimes over the web to people. I went into CompUSA to get a simple iMac, and I left with a 20-inch monster Intel-based iMac. It is a beautiful machine. I plan to still use my Windows XP machines, but I will definitely spend a lot of time with this one. The graphics are better, and it handles multi-tasking more gracefully so far. I don’t know if all my software will be available for this, though.
Anyway, if you are running across this, please feel free to e-mail me. I’d love to hear from you.
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