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Where’s the Logic?

  /   Tuesday September 05, 2006  

Could someone please tell me the logic in saying that Pope John Paul II is an assassin because he rejected condom use. Granted, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. I remember one columnist in a nationally-known newspaper who said that the teaching amounts to genocide. We all know that people who are committing fornication and whatever else they might be doing are avoiding condoms for fear of sinning, NOT!!

It seems that people treat condoms as the magic bullet. Nevermind that the only country in Africa to reduce the incidence of AIDS advocated abstinence and faithfulness first. I see people all the time saying that “abstinence doesn’t work.” That just isn’t so! If you abstain, your likelihood of being infected decreases dramatically. The only way you have of getting it is some kind of accidental exposure, like in health care. Of course, abstinence works.

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