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Classic Games

  /   Monday December 18, 2006  

I’m a sucker for arcade or other retro classics. The first time I saw that they had the Sega Genesis collection for Playstation Portable, I didn’t buy it. Once I found out what was in it, I wanted it. They not only have some very good games like Golden Axe and Altered Beast, but there were old arcade games from the early 1980’s available. Unfortunately, you had to “unlock” them, which really annoys me. Well, they had, of all things, Congo Bongo. I thought I’d never see that game again!

I used to play that game at Showbiz Pizza. Basically, a gorilla set your foot on fire while you were sleeping, and you are out to go get him. The part I found to be funny was that, every time the guy died, you could see him go up to Heaven.

Now, if only they would release Venture, Pengo, and Pepper II (was there a Pepper I?). I also would like Moon Patrol and Berserk. C’mon guys, please keep putting them out there for me. I want them all!

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