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USB Toaster

  /   Wednesday January 17, 2007  

I just found this gag product to give as a gift. Hmmm . . . maybe I could have put a friend’s wedding present in there. Then again, I don’t think I have any weddings that I know of for this year yet. Last year was Year of the Wedding for me.

Am I rambling or what? I guess I’m kind of lying around lazy putting off putting together the next podcast that is a bit overdue. I just hope I get it in soon. I’m taking time off work to do some stuff, so I really should have time.

Okay, how did I get from the USB Toaster to this?

I think my brain is scrambling these days. Somehow, I’m on here reminding myself that I haven’t blogged much lately, and I need to do more. So, here you are.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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