David Ancell's Virtual Home

Tech Predictions for David Ancell

  /   Tuesday January 23, 2007  

David Carnoy of CNET makes his tech predictions for 2007. Just for fun, I had to make my own “judgments” based on the predictions.

Personally, I think the iPhone, PSP3, and HD DVD and Blu Ray are too expensive to be worth their price for me. I’d rather upgrade my podcast equipment or something that I can really use. I’m a big fan of the old arcade-game collections, and I doubt that many of those are going to be big PSP3-only games.

Windows Vista . . . . hmmmm. I must say that I never fully realized the poor quality of Microsoft’s operating system until I bought my first Macintosh last summer. There’s a reason I bought a MacBook Pro just a couple of weeks after buying the iMac. I can actually multitask on these babies. Try checking your e-mail on Windows XP while saving an hour-long WAV file that you recorded at 24-bit. I did, and I realized soon afterward that I had made a mistake. I might go ahead and upgrade my Windows Media Center to Vista after a little while, but part of the reason that I’m willing to do that is that I don’t use it as much as I used to. If it stops working, not much is lost.

Granted, I don’t expect Vista to be a total disaster. Sure, you’ll hear reports about how someone’s goldfish experienced spontaneous combustion after the person installed Vista. However, most people’s experience won’t be quite so drastic. My thought is that I don’t expect it to be much better, and I would guess that eventually people will realize this and be much less likely to upgrade.

I have my own wish list, but I’m not sure if people would laugh if I post it. Right now, I really need to stop buying stuff for a while anyway. One can only fit so much in my apartment, and a little delayed gratification wouldn’t kill me.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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