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Lenten Pet Peeve

  /   Monday February 26, 2007  

I always wonder why people have the urge to just go and do just whatever. In two churches in the Memphis area, I noticed that the holy water was removed for Lent, and the fonts were covered with a purple piece of cloth. I guess they want us to have a “dessert experience.” Well, the whole idea of a dessert experience is to remove what distracts us from Our Lord. A sacramental such as holy water does not qualify as this.

Apparently, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments agrees. In this letter, we are told that this practice is not permitted until Holy Thursday. Once again, Rome has told us that liturgical innovations are not welcome. I wish people would get the message.

For my part, I filled up four bottles of holy water before Lent started. I guess I’ll need to carry one with me to certain places. Fortunately, it appears that my own parish has left the holy water alone.

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